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Environmental Report 2022 Environmental Report 2022

Environmental Report 2022

The clothing industry is considered the 2nd most polluting industry in the world, only behind Energy. 

However, clean energy is a mainstream issue. Most people around the world are aware of the pollution and damage caused by fossil fuels. Solar panels and electric cars are becoming commonplace in neighborhoods around the world. Regulations and institutions are in place to encourage clean energy. We are making real progress when it comes to making the global energy industry cleaner.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said for clothing. The issue of clean fashion is new. Most people are not aware of the impact the fashion industry has on human and environmental health. There are few regulations and institutions to ensure clothes are made in a clean, responsible way despite how closely linked the fashion industry is to our health and wellbeing.

Addressing the environmental impact of the fashion industry, specifically the way we produce and consume fashion products, with the same urgency and concern as Energy is imperative in the effort to protect and improve environmental health.

The ABODE OUTSIDE Environmental Report is a summary of our current strategy, our strengths and weaknesses, and our outlook for the coming years.  For the sake of human and environmental health, businesses - especially in large, polluting industries like fashion - should monitor it's environmental footprint and work to improve on it every year, much like a business does with profits.  

That is the purpose of our Environmental Report. To keep us honest and focused as a business, and to keep the issue of clean clothing on the minds of the public.

One element of our environmental strategy is supporting local, charitable organizations.  We donate 1% of all sales, at our online shop and at your local retail store, to Save the Boundary Waters.  This organization is devoted to protecting America's most visited wilderness area.

View our Eco Report:

 Environmental Report 2022 ABODE OUTSIDE

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