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The Future is Bright

The future is bright.  

We are incredibly optimistic about the future at ABODE OUTSIDE. We truly believe the future has the potential to be one of opportunity and abundance for all of us. The environmental movement is progressing at a rapid rate. It might not seem like it because of the craziness and noise in the news and on social media, but people now more than ever are demanding environmental justice. People now more than ever want to support clean, eco-friendly products and businesses as a way to improve the world around them.  The number of eco-friendly product and service options is growing rapidly.  New non-profits, institutions and laws are focused on making environmental health a top priority. Things are actually moving in the right direction despite the gloomy feeling that seems to dominate public discourse.

The "sustainable living" market is growing steadily while other industries are struggling during a difficult economy.  According to a recent article by retail dive, the five-year compound annual growth rate for sustainable products is 9.48%, almost double that of conventionally marketed goods, which has a growth rate for the same period of 4.98%. (source)

Even though sustainable products are pricier, people are willing to pay more because it's the right thing to do for their health and for the planet. The world is changing and so are the lifestyles and needs of consumers. Thanks to recent technological advances and new research, it is easy to see the link between industrial pollution of the environment and human health. Industry tends to lag behind the needs of consumers because retailers respond to consumer behavior, but all industries are finally starting to clean up their operations because it's what their customers want. When enough people start asking for something, businesses will listen. 

Keep asking for clean products that respect people and the planet. Keep looking for businesses that care about human and environmental health, and the future will be bright.

Cheers to the future. 🍻


Nathan Baller
Woodland Hoodie Paddle BoardingJanuary Paddle Boarding in Florida in the Woodland Hoodie

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